Range of Trachea parametric cabinet bodies
Cabinet bodies, lower
KTS001 - Cabinet body lower basic
KTS002 - Cabinet body lower sink
KTS003 - Cabinet body lower end
KTS004 - Cabinet body lower oven
KTS005 - Cabinet body lower hob
KTS006-L - Cabinet body lower corner sink - straight left
KTS006-P - Cabinet body lower corner sink - straight right
KTS007-A - Cabinet body lower corner sink angled - vertical frieze stiffening
KTS007-B - Cabinet body lower corner sink angled - horizontal reinforcement fascia
KTS008 - Cabinet body lower corner sink angled
KTS009-L - Cabinet body lower corner - straight left
KTS009-P - Cabinet body lower corner - straight right
KTS010 - Cabinet body lower corner angled
KTS011 - Cabinet body lower corner angled
Cabinet bodies, upper
Cabinet bodies, tall
“More information on tailored cabinet bodies.{target:_blank}”:[https://www.trachea-korpusy.cz/cz/]
Overview of decors for cabinet bodies
LTD – Woodgrain decors
H1145 ST10 Natural bardolino oak
H1176 ST37 Halifax oak white
H1180 ST37 Natural halifax oak
H1181 ST37 Tobacco halifax oak
H1223 ST19 Ash Sevilla
H1250 ST36 Ash Navarra
H1277 ST9 Light Lakeland Acacia
H1307 ST19 Warmia walnut brown
H1381 ST15 winchester oak
H1486 ST36 Pine Jackson
H1502 ST15 Alder
H3058 ST22 Wenge Mali
H3303 ST10 Grey Hamilton
H3309 ST28 Gladstone sand oak
H3325 ST28 Tobacco gladstone oak
H3331 ST10 Natural Nebraska oak
H3332 ST10 Grey Nebraska oak
H3734 ST9 Dijon walnut
1715 BS snowy Birch
LTD – Uni colours
112PE grey
113PE white
U104 ST9 Alabaster
U113 ST9 Cotton
U156 ST9 Sand beige
U311 ST15 Burgundy
U702 ST9 Cashmere Grey
U708 ST9 Light grey
U727 ST9 stone gray
U732 ST9 Dust grey
U748 ST9 truffle brown
U767 ST9 cubanite gray
U899 ST9 black Soft
U960 ST9 onyx gray
U963 ST9 diamond gray
W1000 ST9 white premium
W1100 ST9 white premium
W980 SM platinum white
W980 ST2 platinum white